Problem of Transportation in Imsu: SUG Director of Transport Debunks A Viral Statement; Says A lot has happened Before and After The Ban Of Tricycle In Imsu.
Uzoma promise known also as "Avalon" the 16th republic union director of transport imo state university, on Wednesday 27th December debunked a post in some sections of the social media which claimed that the Student union and director of transport specifically have remained silent over the transport perplexity confronting Imo stars since the ban of tricycle within the university and state capital at large.
A post credited to Mr. Prosper, faculty of business administration was earlier circulated on social media over purported failure of the student Union government to provide lasting solution to uncertainties in transportation of students since early December when the ban became effective.
However, the director of transport Mr. Promise lending out his voice on the assumed failure said that only an ignorant fellow who is not following happenings all this while in school would make such post maintaining that a lot has happened before and after the ban of tricycle.
His full statement reads below;
"You call yourself a concerned student and you don't even know what has been happening all this while in school. Learn to follow up issues before you conclude."
"I was informed early in July this year that by this time, keke would be no more. I was not surprise because I have tried bargaining with them to reduce the price of transportation for students to at least N40, which they refused and threatened to all leave if I use force, there was no alternative for students to transport so I left them".
He continued "i met this shuttle company(their mini buses are operating in FUTO currently), which promised to supply the school(IMSU) with this 7seaters mini buses as many as we want, which will be used to replace keke and also agreed to carry students to anywhere for N30 if only the school management will endorse them. I wrote different letters to the school Management for them to approve the project but all to no avail, I kept on going from one office to the other begging them to approve the letter but the management kept on delaying the project until when it was 2weeks to Keke going. I wrote another letter to the Dean students affairs telling him of the unforseen suffering of not having an alternative before Keke would go, but instead he collected the letter and told me he will approve it in the next republic(17th rep.) that our regime has almost ended".
"Even when Keke left I wanted to be mute because the school management caused what we suffered. But when the suffering was much, I wrote another letter of appeal to some agencies begging them to allow only 50 Kekes operate to aid Imo Stars a little in transportation logistics".
"Even without approval I told the 50 kekes selected to start operating until i was called to order by the DSS and even the Commissioner of police not to cause problems in the state by disobeying the governor who stopped keke that instead, provisions of mini shuttle buses will be made available for us".
"So the chief of staff Ugwumba Uche Nwosu promised to provide us with mini shuttle buses and even the governor himself announced it on air if u were following up that he would give us busses".
Images below;
Problem of Transportation in Imsu: SUG Director of Transport Debunks A Viral Statement; Says A lot has happened Before and After The Ban Of Tricycle In Imsu.
Reviewed by Imsu Elijah
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

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