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Another EX-IMSU Student Leader Set To Join Ikenegbu Councillorship Race

With the success of #NotTooYoungToRun campaign, Ndukwe Chibueze, a graduate of Business Accountancy, Imo State University is set to declare his interest to run for the Ikenegbu Ward II councillorship portfolio expected to hold Saturday, July 14th, 2018 in the state.

Although the founder of Intelligentsia Academy and coordinator of the biggest information and communication firms in South East Nigeria Ndukwe Chibueze, is yet to choose the political party through which he will run to achieve his mandate and vision, he has vowed to slug it out come July 14.

In a campaign he choose to tag "Let Tomorrow's Leadership Begin Today", Ndukwe Chibueze took the decision to feature in what will be referred to as one of the biggest political move by an ikenegbu youth, after a wide range consultation of elders, stake holders and youths of the Ikenegbu community, our source learnt. This is considering the fact that the young man has labored so hard in ensuring the security, unity and upliftment of the Ikenegbu community.

  • In security, he has organized the youths of ikenegbu in so many occasions in providing security to tackle immediate security challenges of the community. In 2016, when he returned from NYSC, Ikenegbu community was already ravaged by high rate of criminality ranging from cult activities and robbery targeted at Relief Market traders and Neighbors. He held what has turned out to be the biggest security meeting of the community, where he engaged the supposedly routine police officers of the community for a crucial meeting with the youths of ikenegbu community. One of the resolutions of the meeting was to have the officers and men of the force, who are supposed to be on routine surveillance in the ikenegbu community steadily on ground. A fate which later made the police create a road block (check point) at the heart of Ikenegbu Extension (the most troubled). This, with the cooperation of the youths fought the ravaging criminality to a stand still.

  • In unity, Ndukwe Chibueze has for a successful four years, coordinated the Ikenegbu Extension youths. He proposed and has been the coordinator of the "one Ikenegbu Extension Carnival" since 2013. He achieved this by first, coordinating the various divisions of the Extension into four chapters of Lodan, Fish Island, Relief and Redeeming or as North, South, East and central; as the case may be, with each chapter having their respective youth leaders. He also extended the unifying philosophy to the larger Ikenegbu society last year, when he, in company of the various chapter youth leaders of Ikenegbu Extension reached an agreement with the sister -Ikenegbu Layout to have a "One Ikenegbu Festival", where resources will be pull together in promoting the handwork and talent of the average Ikenegbu Youth.

  • In upliftment, Ndukwe Chibueze has devoted so much time in ensuring that an average Co Ikenegbu youth get off the street and see the need to embrace education. He is one, who never believe in advising people, but rather encourage them. In order to make sure these youths go back to school, he organises free tutorials for them and assisted many financially to enroll for the SSSCEs and UTMEs. A fate, which made many to gain admission into the university and see the more value their person could worth. He has also uplifted the lives of many through the quiz show he features in the annual Ikenegbu Extension Carnival, where each winner gets a free UTME registration form and hence connect them to a possible sponsor.

Ndukwe Chibueze is the founder of Intelligentsia Academy, Owerri, a coordinator of one of the biggest information and communication firm in South East Nigeria, the Ikenegbu Extension Youth Coordinator, a Lay Reader of the Roman Catholic Church(the immediate past assistant secretary of the organization), a member of the Catholic Youths Organization of Nigeria (CYON) and a former zonal coordinator of the organization, the Local News Editor of The Crossnews, a former secretary of the Industrial Unit, Relief Market, Owerri (the first and only to have ever taken and presented minutes in full Igbo Language), the secretary of the defunct First Ikenegbu Youth Movement and above all, an average child of God. In 2014, he was nominated to represent the Nigerian students in the Igbo script review of the 2016 Society for Family Health's biennial drama series, Odenjinji.

Even at a young age, he achieved these legacies, not withstanding his high profiled academic and business engagements. His declaration, which many see as a way of taking back the community that really belongs to the people, will see the first time he is identifying with a political party. Meanwhile, over 500 Ikenegbu youths are already set to join him in his political party of choice, once he declares...

Imsu Elijah, the wireless informant will keep you update on his choice of party and his ideal projection of the ikenegbu, once he declares!
Another EX-IMSU Student Leader Set To Join Ikenegbu Councillorship Race Another EX-IMSU Student Leader Set To Join Ikenegbu Councillorship Race Reviewed by Imsu Elijah on Saturday, April 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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