IMSU Decides: Faculty Leaders Take SUG Candidate To God
IMSU Decides: Faculty Leaders Take SUG Candidate To God
Being a leader takes courage and determination and while a great leader can bring great success, it also comes at the cost of being judged. Little wonder the answer to where God wants people to be is in a spiritual condition and in a lifestyle that display his glory.
Ahead of the Student union election in Imo State University, representatives from the Faculty of Environmental Science and Health Science respectively have presented CMRD. UJUNWA HENRY TOCHUKWU Polpularly known as G-WAGON to God at the Cathedral of Transfiguration of our Lord (CATOL) in owerri.
Leading a delegation of student representatives on Sunday July 28th, Senator UD NMERE said the reason for presenting the SUG aspirant to God was to seek for divine direction and also send home the message of an answered prayer in particular reference to the transportation cry of students.
Pointing to the scriptures, II Sam 23 V 3b “He that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of God” Senator UD maintained that Imo Stars will unanimously vote massively for G-wagon, because they were tired of being deceived with fake promises coming from people who do not have the fear of God in them. Cmrd Tochukwu (G-wagon) is vying for the director of transportation at the union's poll slated August this year.
Recall that Imo State University has been without an SUG for the past decades thereby leading to unceasing and reckless hike in transportation fare even to an ordinary student.
What more can Imo stars say rather than 'Thank you Jesus' for answered prayers.
IMSU Decides: Faculty Leaders Take SUG Candidate To God
Reviewed by Imsu Elijah
Sunday, July 28, 2019

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