Important Information: Online Registration For Stream II Prospective Corps Members
This is to inform all prospective corps members of IMSU extraction that the NYSC Online registration portal which re-opened Friday 13th March for stream II in the 2020 Batch "A" mobilization is fully accessible now.
Note further that all prospective corps members who paid for the online registration during the previous mobilization process (stream I) but were not mobilized need not to pay again.
Registrations end Saturday 21st March while camp opens Thursday 2nd April 2020. In order to ensure a seamless registration, visit us today @ Imsu Elijah Educational Consult (Extension Gate, IMSU) to make your enquiries, verify senate list, bio-capturing /thumb printing, instant payment, correction of name, fitness certificate, School ID card etc
Call/WhatsApp 08102097616 to enroll.
Important Information: Online Registration For Stream II Prospective Corps Members
Reviewed by Imsu Elijah
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

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