12 Things Men Do That Make Women Lose Interest
Let’s keep this simple.
Men do a lot of things to lose a woman’s interest. But most of it comes from these 12 underlying things:
1. Speaking something bad about Ex
Most men aren’t aware of bad mouthing your Ex in front of current partner to make her feel special which really effects their relationship.
Little did you know, she will start thinking that you going to do same with her when you both have a fight or break up under any circumstances, this thought will never leave her mind. (So guys, be careful while you are saying something about your Ex or even when she herself asked, which is the trick she is well aware of).
2. Lack of confidence, women don’t like guys that lack confidence. Lack of confidence will make you look so clinging which irritates many women.
3. Men that says yes to everything the woman says, women needs someone that can lead them and not mommas boy.
4. Women don’t really like it when you always available, It makes everything to look as if you got nothing going on in your life.
5. The nice guys that feels like everything should be rushed, and appear emotionally and mentally weak. Yes, women want you to be nice but its not the nice that you think.
6. In this generation, women lose interest so fast if you are broke or you are not ambitious and not striving towards financial freedom.
7. Women lose interest so fast if you have a very poor listening skills and not very reliable.
8. Comparing her to your ex or when you always bring your ex up in the picture.
10. Men that take things too serious and react at everything she says.
11. Looking at other girls
This is simply disrespectful. No matter where you are with your date, she should be the only one you are interested in. Now is the moment for you to show her that even when there’re many beautiful women in the room, your eyes are for her.
12. Being too guarded and not emotionally open
I understand that men have the instinct to look and be strong for their women. But by never letting your guards down and being vulnerable with your partner, you might never build the emotional bond and intimacy that is the bedrock for a healthy relationship.
12 Things Men Do That Make Women Lose Interest
Reviewed by Darliweb
Friday, November 12, 2021
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